2 Reasons Why a Backup Restore Won’t Solve Your Problems

When your computer crashes and it seems like there’s nothing else you can do, don’t restore your backup just yet. That’s a final solution that, aside from how it can irrevocably destroy current changes, might not do what you need it to. Here are two reasons to take your computer in for an expert to…

3 Things You Need to Do ASAP When You See a Blue Screen of Death

Blue screens of death look a little friendlier than they used to, but that doesn’t make them any less aggravating. Now they come with nicely worded messages and maybe a progress bar, which beats out the impenetrable blank blue they used to be or the tightly packed streams of Courier text. The next time you…

What Are Overnight Outages Costing Your Small Business?

Downtime is one of the costliest problems your company can encounter. Not only do you face the direct expenses of replacement equipment and servicing hours, you have revenue losses, too: wasted employee man-hours, loss of business operations, and lack of consumer confidence. The numbers are hard to calculate, but the Aberdeen Group puts the average…