Mean Infections and Nasty Viruses, It’s a Wild World
The days of just simply getting rid of that nasty virus you’ve been given by running a simple program seem to be near an end. Today’s infections are:
- Meaner,
- Smarter,
- Better designed, and
A whole lot more sophisticated than they used to be.
Just because your software has told you all is well, doesn’t mean that a virus is not holding it hostage or infecting it, too! Once a virus has been successfully removed, that doesn’t mean the damage that it’s done has been repaired, either.
If you are going to attempt to remove infections from your machine, or already have, yet its still not running as you feel it should, ask us! We’ll be glad to advise you about your best options going forward. We’ll help you understand various brands of virus protection and how to get your system up and running the way it was before it got the cyber cooties.
Ask us your questions in the comments below, we’re ready for you!