Bricking: Know When to Call a Pro for Virus Removal

Viruses can do all kinds of nasty things if they make their way into your computer, from bloating your operating system to hijacking your e-mail. However, many people don’t know that some viruses and malware can make your PC or laptop completely unusable! It’s called bricking because it more or less turns your system into…

The Difference Between Virus and Malware Removal

An infected computer is your worst enemy. The laptop that you shared memories on now has the ability to cause identity theft, encrypt documents beyond your control, and disrupt your day with terrible pop-ups. Anyone can fall victim to a misleading ad or a bad link. Vigilance is key in this situation, and after experiencing…

How Can I Protect My Computer Against Malware?

Malware is software written to infect computers and commit crimes such as fraud and identity theft. It has become big business in the past few years. As a result, if you use a computer for web surfing, shopping, banking, email, instant messaging, and gaming without proper protection, you are putting yourself at high risk of being victimized. Keep…