The Most Common Ways to Get a Computer Virus
Virus removal is a common reason why people seek professional computer repair services. As computer protection becomes more robust, the methods hackers and malicious programmers use to infect a computer also becomes increasingly tricky to detect and prevent. Here are the most common methods for contracting a computer virus. An awareness of these will help you avoid potentially dangerous file downloads on your computer.
Security Vulnerabilities
Hackers are constantly looking for ways to infiltrate a system. As these vulnerabilities are discovered, software and computer systems release updates to patch these flaws. Unfortunately, these only work when the update is initiated. To ensure that you have the latest protection, run updates as soon as you are prompted. It’s easy to ignore those pesky system update prompts, but doing so may leave you vulnerable to a computer virus.
Infected Email
Hackers use a method called email spoofing to convince users to click on malicious links or download and install viruses. Spoofing consists of sending an email that appears to be from a reputable source such as a bank, popular shopping website, or even the IT department for your place of employment. Hackers know you are more likely to open an email that appears to be from a legitimate source. Never click on anything or download attachments unless you are absolutely sure you know who sent it. Companies will never send you unsolicited emails regarding recent purchases, your account, or your password. These are common ploys used by hackers.
Nefarious Websites
The Internet has many dark corners filled with dangerous and malicious websites. Be cautious when browsing and be sure to keep your anti-virus software up to date. This is your first line of defense if you find yourself browsing a malicious website. Also, keep in mind that a dangerous site may be linked to from some place that you know is safe. For example, just because a link is posted on Facebook or in the comments section of a reputable news website does not necessarily mean it is safe to click.
As hacking methods become harder to prevent, it is also becoming increasingly difficult to spot potentially dangerous sources online. In the event that you do get a computer virus, we can help. Contact us to learn about our affordable repair and removal services.