Windows 10 is Still Available and Upgrading is a Click a Way
So, you debated and dithered and held off on upgrading to Windows 10. Maybe you heard complaints about the latest version, or someone told you that the newest version had bugs, or you just really, really liked the version you have. However, the free Windows upgrade is gone just like the lazy days of summer; literally, the free Windows upgrade ended July 29.
Fortunately, for those who want to or need to upgrade, Windows makes Version 10 available for a one-time fee of $120. And it’s a snap to download.
Sure, free is always better, but if you apply the cost-per-use formula, the price is mere pennies. The average person spends at least 7 hours a day at their computer. Assuming you aren’t working on your computer every day, that means that the first-year cost of a Windows 10 upgrade is about .46 a day or less than 7 cents an hour.
When you order, don’t assume Windows 10 is one-size-fits-all. You need to know which version you currently have before you complete your Windows upgrade.
Not sure which Windows version your computer is operating? To find out, click on Start, right-click on Computer and choose Properties. If you’re now using Windows 7 Pro, for example, you must choose Windows 10 Pro for your upgrade. This Windows upgrade is not compatible with Windows Vista. You can also contact one of our PC Geeks locations for help with the upgrade.
To get started, go to Microsoft’s Window 10 home page and download the upgrade to either your computer or a USB.
Of course, if you have a condition that requires you to use your computer’s assistive technologies – such as high contrast on your screen or a narrator which reads text aloud – then a Windows 10 is still free.