Data Recovery Guidelines

Most computer users tend to think of data recovery as a last-minute approach to retrieving documents, pictures, music, and files in general — when the files become inaccessible due to malfunctioning devices the files are installed on, i.e. phones, laptops, desktops, tablets, etc.  Many times, however, data is not recoverable, or economically so, after a…

What’s in a PC?

If you’re stuck at home now is the perfect time to build your own custom gaming PC, but where do you start? When I first started building PCs I remember having no idea to where to begin. I researched parts for hours, identifying all the pieces I’d need to build my new machine. I ordered…

We’re taking preventive measures at each PC Geeks location!

The safety and health of our customers and employees is our top priority. We’re taking preventive measures to keep each PC Geeks location clean and maintain a healthy environment. If you’re having issues with your computer, please don’t hesitate to let us know. The safety measures listed on the CDC’s website are very important as…